Wednesday, August 9, 2017

ILEAD: Day 1

August 9, 2017

Good afternoon Trailblazer Families,

We had a FANTASTIC first day of school!  Thank you for allowing us to start our day on time.  I was in every classroom several times today and the students were engaged, working on learning expectations and building their classroom communities.  And, as of 4:56p, all of our students at CES have been delivered home!

As we move into Day 2 -- please remember we are working to build leadership skills with our students, so refrain from walking your child into the classroom.  We have many people around to assist the students.

Also, another reminder is that if your child needs to eat breakfast -- he/she will need to be here by 8:45 am in order to ensure that there is plenty of time to eat.

Our doors open at 8:30 am, but our instructional day starts at 9:00 am.  

Again, thank you for a smooth day!

The Staffulty of CES and Mrs. Skeens