Friday, August 25, 2023

ILEAD: 8/28 - 9/1/2023


Every Child, 
Every Chance, 
Every Day

CES is dedicated to inspiring a community of passionate learners and leaders by setting goals and providing opportunities for success.

Hello Trailblazer Families!

WHOA!  What a week!  We are back in our systems and have already started some assessments this week.  IREADY is a new assessment to our school and district.  We're excited to see how our students perform in both reading and math!  As of right now, we are still trying to ensure that we are learning more and more about each student so we can teach to their specific needs and abilities.  

It has definitely been a HOT week.  We hope that we'll be able to allow students to go outside next week in the cooler temperatures!  It is very important for us to ensure that we provide our students time to go outside and take a break from learning.  

ROOMS - if you are having problems downloading or using the Bullitt County Public Schools App, please delete the app and re-install it.  We have heard several people having a hard time downloading documents or getting messages from the app.  According to the company, this is usually fixed through deletion and re-installation.  We hope that this fill fix any issues that we are having.

Report Cards will come out on October 20 - and conferences will be scheduled around that time, as well.  Please complete the Title I Fall Conference Survey:  CLICK HERE.

We do have two openings on our Site Based Decision Making Council - we will be taking nominations next week for those two open positions via a google form.  One open position is for a minority member Per KDE, Schools having eight percent (8%) or greater minority membership in their student population based on the Superintendent’s Annual Attendance Report (SAAR) are required to have minority membership on their school council [KRS 160.345(2)(b)2].  To determine whether a school must have at least one minority member on its council, please consult the SAAR summary sheet on the SBDM Webpage (and attached). Schools may also reference their own Infinite Campus (IC) data from the preceding Oct. 1. If IC data is used, documentation must be archived onsite for five years. 

If you are interested in applying to be a part of SBDM, there is a 6 hour training commitment and a once a month meeting.  Please CLICK HERE for the nomination form.

Students who are interested in applying to be a part of our Student Lighthouse Team (Grades 3 - 5) will be able to apply starting Monday.  The application is due no later than 9:00 am on Friday, September 8, 2023.  

As always, have a great weekend and don't forget to SHARPEN your SAW!

Ms. Wright

Other Important Information: 

If you have questions, please ask via calling CES at 502-869-7400 or contacting your student's teacher.

Attendance:  Don't forget if your child is going to be out of school for any reason to call and let us know.  

DISMISSAL AND TRANSPORTATION:  Per the information provided at our Open Houses and sent home on the first day of school, please remember, ALL dismissal changes need to be made in the School Dismissal Manager app:  Apple or Google Play
  • CLICK HERE for the instructions on how to check in using the APP in the car rider line.  
    • You should have received an email with how to set up your account.  If you do not have a PIN number for your child, please call the office.  (This PIN came in a separate email from SDM).

Lunch Menus from @bcpsschoolnutrition