Friday, April 14, 2023

ILEAD: 4/17 - 21/2023


Every Child, 
Every Chance, 
Every Day

CES is dedicated to inspiring a community of passionate learners and leaders by setting goals and providing opportunities for success.
22-23 School Calendar *updated 3/7/2023

Weekly Celebrations:

Attendance Award (Week of 3/27 - 30/2023):  Ms. Unser
Golden Spoon Award:  
Golden Broom Award:  1st Grade
Golden Shoe Award:  Ms. Brunner

Kindness Challenge Reward: 

Student POP Tickets:  Ella Doyle, Piper Jones, Lannan Wiseman, Kyla Owen, Noey Warf, Andria Armstrong, Eli Daniels, Marcin Johnson, Jules Fante, Aspen watson, Allison Blasi, Lynk Mayfield, Memphis Smith, Kylie Warnecke, Brayson Stopinski, Kallie Hinkle, Noah Robinson, Juliet Vogt

Teacher POP Tickets:  Bonnie Murphy

LIke us on Facebook:  👍

Hello CES Families:

It has been a whirlwind week!  Picture Day, Abraham Lincoln was here and we had an author, Tasha Eizinger present to our students!  And, the weather has been magnificent!  As the school year winds down - we have many important activities coming up!  Our school wide field trip to the Louisville Zoo is on April 27.  Permission slips were due today.  If you child does not have a permission slip, they will be unable to attend.  We will start making phone calls to those who do not have permission on Monday to verify.

We anticipate a wonderful day, but when you take 500+ individuals to the zoo, there will need to be specific organization and expectations.  We are excited to share this time with our students, but please remember - we are representing Crossroads and Bullitt County Public Schools.  

See below for some community information -

As always, we hope that you have a great weekend and don't forget to Sharpen your Saw! 

Ms. Wright
Upcoming Events:

For your FYI - if we were to have a NTI Day, here are district expectations:  CLICK HERE.

DISMISSAL AND TRANSPORTATION:  Per the information provided at our Open Houses and sent home on the first day of school, please remember, ALL dismissal changes need to be made in the School Dismissal Manager app:  Apple or Google Play

Lunch Menus from @bcpsschoolnutrition